The Importance of Remembering

On Friday, June 19, 2020 a small group gathered on a warm summer afternoon at the approximate site where Elijah Clark's life was violently taken on July 28, 1900. David Person led us in a short liturgy - written by Reverend Michael Goldsmith - as we remembered Mr. Clark's life and acknowledged his unjust and violent death. Following social distancing guidelines, we participated in a simple yet powerful memorial ceremony. We recognized publicly that in our city 120 years ago, a life was wrongfully taken. A crime occurred that for 120 years has been ignored, dismissed, and been left unresolved. We honored a man who history had forgotten. Everyone who was gathered there said his name - Elijah Clark - and acknowledged that this is only one small step in recognizing and repenting of the sins of our nation’s past. Just one small step on the painful, but necessary journey our community must make to revisit past injustices, if we are serious about seeing racial healing come to fruition starting now.
In light of this, as we continue to make plans for future remembrance rites, we are seeking greater community involvement. If you are interested in joining with us for future efforts, please click here to share your information.
Officiant: David Person
White respondent: Tammy Cooney
Black respondent: Charley Burruss
Soloist: Shane Bloemetjie
Liturgy created by Rev. Michael Goldsmith
Video production by AVO Communications, Inc.
Additional videography by Vicky Hinton